SOLD: 1200 Oak Point Avenue, Bronx, NY 10747

Property Overview

This is a very functional and well located manufacturing facility containing 46,250 square feet of working space. The 12 truck bay doors and 2 steel gate entrances provide for easy ingress, egress and security to the facility.

The main building consists of a 33,150 square foot manufacturing facility with dual corner frontage along Oak Point Avenue.  The office is conveniently located on the second floor of the main building.

Attached to the main facility are two additional industrial manufacturing buildings with a combined floor area of 10,000 square feet.  Large ceiling-mounted material transfer cranes are strategically located through the complex.

Behind these buildings is a 12,000 square foot open yard with gates accessing both Tiffany and Casanova Streets.

At the rear of the property is a 3,100 square foot detached building with 25 foot high ceilings and a large bay door.